Build Product Roadmaps

Agile product management involves creating product roadmaps that outline the vision, target audience, prioritized features, themes, milestones, epics, and user stories. The roadmap guides the development team and informs stakeholders about the product’s direction and progress.


(4 Months)


The field of agile product management is constantly evolving, and building comprehensive product roadmaps is crucial to successfully guiding development teams and engaging stakeholders. The course “Build Product Roadmaps” is designed to provide participants with the skills and knowledge required to craft these essential documents. Through this training, learners will learn how to articulate a clear product vision, identify and understand the needs of the target audience, and prioritize product features, themes, milestones, epics, and user stories. The roadmap serves as a strategic compass that guides the product development journey and ensures that all stakeholders are aligned with the product’s direction and progress. By the end of this course, participants will be able to create dynamic product roadmaps that capture the essence of the product’s objectives and serve as a pivotal tool in achieving agile product management excellence.
Flexible Schedule

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Hands-on Skills

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Career Growth

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